Education and Training of Radiation Protection

For students and staffs in University of Toyama

To fulfill the requirement of the law concerning prevention radiation hazards, center staffs hold education and training program for radioisotopes every year. The program targets sturdents and staffs in University of Toyama and, if necessary, staffs belonging to other laboratory.

The required items in the program depend on the knowledge and experience of participants. If you would like to know the contents, please contact center staffs.

This year education and training program is held on May 8, 2023 (already finished).

  • (1)Law and ordinances on prevention of radiation hazards by radioisotopes and radiation generators
  • (2)Influence of radiation on the body
  • (3)Local radiation protection rules
  • (4)Safe handling of radioisotopes and radiation generators

For collaborative researchers

Collaborative researchers are needed to attend education and training program held in their facility. After that, they attend education and training program including following items at University of Toyama to understand the characterstic of tritium and rules in University of Toyama.

  • (1)A part of Safe handling of radioisotopes and radiation generators
  • (2)Local radiation protection rules

In the center, education and training program for collaborative researcher is held at all time.


The center holds re-education program, which is seminar by specialist of radioisotopes.

The re-education program is opened indeterminately, thus the plan of the program will be informed at this page.

Safety handbook

Safety handbook describes the attention and guideline to study safely in the center. You should read the handbook prior to start your study in the center.